Dream Readers

watch faithful power plays your execution stays

Dream Readers (Image by Uwe Roschkowski)

Beauty and Pain (lyrics)

text and music by Uwe Roschkowski©. All rights reserved.

Dream Readers – blind leaders
stealing flowers from the grave

watch faithful power plays
your execution stays
fertilize the vision
faint hearts on the mission
mud-mind on the matter
while the bullets patter
conscience patiently dies
silence your tongue with cries

Dream Readers – blind leaders
stealing flowers from the grave

pull down the image-wall
last words and whispers fall
close the gates of strain
from the silence of pain

they let you see what’s wrong
their will will be too strong
feel the darkness kiss
anaesthetic actress

Dream Readers – lie bleeders
words like axes kill the brave
Dream Readers – blind leaders
stealing flowers from the grave

mental cases study
rising heads are bloody
ideologies carry
all the dogmas we marry

Dream Readers – ...